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"The children demonstrate high levels of competence in ICT and there are many displays of their skilful work throughout the school." ETI 2015
Considerable investment has been placed in ICT. Not only are there 16 computers and laptops in the computer suite but each classroom has an interactiave whiteboard, Ipads, printers, listening centres and many devices to enhance learning.
We believe that I.C.T. competence is necessary for pupils who will be living and working in an information based society. Therefore ICT is an integral part of the curriculum. We provide a range of opportunities so that pupils can develop their competence in the use of computers.
Primary 7 girls participate in an ePartners programme and communicate through email and video conferencing with children in other schools sharing ideas and information.
Internet Safety
All pupils are educated in Internet Safety and parents are also given information and advice. (See UThink UKnow Link)
Digital Schools Award
Mr Victor McNair from Digital Schools Awards NI spent the morning in our school inspecting the ICT programme of work and the activities done by children and staff. He was impressed by the wide variety of programmes and initiatives that the school has implemented over the past few years.
Mr McNair was delighted with everything inspected and was happy to award the school their Digital Schools Award. This prestigious award will be presented to the school once the report has been published.
Congratulations to Miss Magill and Mrs O'Neill, our ICT Co-ordinators, the digital leaders and all the children and staff for their great work. We are extremely proud of our school.
Digital Leaders 2018-19
ICT Good Practice
CCEA (Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment) produced this short video with Holy Cross Girls' and it will be showcased on CCEA's website as a model of good practice for the excellent work done with the children by our teachers in the school. Well done to all our staff!
Film and Animation
Coding in ICT has become a focus for Holy Cross Girls and following on from the Coding Programme delivered by Nerve Belfast we have Coding Afterschool clubs for P4 - P7. The girls have the opportunity to use a variety of programmes and apps to learn the basics of coding, as well as using Spheros and Lego WeDo.
Hive Hackers
The teachers and pupils in KS2 are working with Narelle and Wesley from PWC to learn Computer Science skills. This 7 week programme will introduce the pupils to programming. They are learning lots of new language such as algorithms, loops and debugging. We are developing the skills of the iGeneration.
Holy Cross Girls' School, Ardoyne Road, Belfast, County Antrim BT14 7HZ
Phone: 028 9039 1771 | info@holycrossgirls.belfast.ni.sch.uk