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PDMU (Personal Development and Mutual Understanding) is an important part of our curriculum. It is linked to all aspects of life and work in school. PDMU gives the pupils the skills they need in order to respect themselves and others. The children become more aware of the world beyond their immediate environment and learn about others from a basis of tolerance, respect and open-mindedness. They are encouraged to understand similarities and differences. We work with outside agencies such as Peace Players International and Cancer Focus, as well as celebrating different occasions through the year including Chinese New Year, International Women's Day and Anti-Bullying Week.

Chinese New Year
As part of our whole school Global Learning Programme we took the time to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Pupils throughout the school were given the opportunity to experience different aspects of Chinese culture.
Mrs Cheung, our Chinese classroom assistant, took the time to show Primary 5 some Chinese cooking. They made egg fried rice with vegetables. The girls were very impressed with how quickly they could create a delicious and healthy meal. Some even tried to eat with chopsticks.
Miss Hanley, one of our P2 assistants and part of Success Lion and Dragon Dance Group from Queen's University, introduced us to Lion Dancing, a traditional dance performed on special occasions for good luck. She then showed us the Chinese Martial Art of Tai Chi which the girls and staff really enjoyed.
"xiè xie" (thank you) Mrs Cheung and Miss Hanley.
Meet the Lifeguards Roadshow
David and Adam from the RNLI visited us to present their Meet the Lifeguards Assembly. They talked to us about how we can stay safe at the beach, what colour flags to look out for, what to do when someone needs help and what their job is. It was very informative and the girls learned a lot.

'PDMU focuses on encouraging each child to become personally, emotionally and socially effective, to lead healthy, safe and fulfilled lives and to become confident, independent and responsible citizens, making informed and responsible choices and decisions throughout their lives.' (NI Curriculum)
School of Sanctuary Award
Summer Scheme 2021

Alzheimer's Society Demetia Friendly Awards 2016
Congratulations to our friends at Bradley Manor Care Home who were finalists in the Demetia Partnership of the Year category for their work with Holy Cross Girls' P.S., Tudor Nursery and Ardoyne/Hammer Youth Club. Mrs McNally was delighted to attend the award ceremony with Diane, Thomas, Rosalind, Mandy, Sarah and Karen to pick up the award for our partnership in the local community. At the award ceremony at the Europa Hotel Bradley Manor Care Home were also finalists in the Dementia Friendly Organistation of the Year Category. We look forward to our continued work with them this year. Well done!

Community Links

Holy Cross Girls' School, Ardoyne Road, Belfast, County Antrim BT14 7HZ
Phone: 028 9039 1771 | info@holycrossgirls.belfast.ni.sch.uk