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Holy Cross Girls� School, Ardoyne Road, Belfast

Close up photos of our butterflies before they are released.

17th May 2021

Look at the huge eyes.
Look at the huge eyes.
Can you find the clubs at the end of the antennae?
Can you find the clubs at the end of the antennae?
Wow! Where is the long tongue?
Wow! Where is the long tongue?
Those two black lines at the front are the other pair of legs.
Those two black lines at the front are the other pair of legs.
Look at the colours on the Painted Lady Butterflies!
Look at the colours on the Painted Lady Butterflies!
We gave the butterflies some fruit and flowers with nectar. Thesy taste with their feet.
We gave the butterflies some fruit and flowers with nectar. Thesy taste with their feet.
I have four wings, six legs and three main body parts.
I have four wings, six legs and three main body parts.
I can't fly if I am cold.
I can't fly if I am cold.
I also have two antennae.Can you see the front legs? They are very short and are hiding at the front.
I also have two antennae.Can you see the front legs? They are very short and are hiding at the front.