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Holy Cross Girls� School, Ardoyne Road, Belfast

News Archive

2018/2019 School Year

31st May 2019
Primary 1 girls displayed their fantastic counting skills by making 50 using pegs,...
20th May 2019
The celebrations of First Holy Communion continued in Primary 4 this afternoon!...
17th May 2019
As part of Mental Health Awareness Week our P5,P6 and P7 pupils were invited to...
15th May 2019
Finally the sun shone on our Shared Education Project and we managed to get outside...
14th May 2019
Primary 5 had a great morning out at Ballysillan Park with Shanna from Ulster Wildlife....
13th May 2019
Despite the weather, our Primary 7 girls had a great day at the Mary Peters track ...
10th May 2019
P5 had a very industrious afternoon in the school garden with Linda, Thomas and...