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Holy Cross Girls� School, Ardoyne Road, Belfast

News Archive

2023/2024 School Year

17th Jun 2024
Such fun and excitement as the Primary One girls had their first sports day at Holy...
17th Jun 2024
The girls used Bee Bot to explore the relationship between numbers. They programmed...
17th Jun 2024
Primary Five really enjoyed their trip to the Ulster Museum last week. We have been...
13th Jun 2024
A huge congratulations to one of our Primary Seven girls, who received a very special...
13th Jun 2024
Our Primary Five, Six and Seven girls were delighted to receive their certificates...
13th Jun 2024
We had a very special guest at assembly today. The girls gave a huge Holy Cross Girls’...
12th Jun 2024
Primary Six and Primary Seven had a fun afternoon together using IZAK9. Our Primary...