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Holy Cross Girls� School, Ardoyne Road, Belfast

News Archive

13th Sep 2024
What a beautiful celebration of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross this...
13th Sep 2024
We just had to share the beautiful performance from our senior musicians at mass...
11th Sep 2024
The girls have been busy using the Chromebooks to develop their research skills....
9th Sep 2024
The girls had great fun this morning as they started learning how to play Badminton,...
6th Sep 2024
Primary 4 had great fun carrying out a shadow experiment as part of our Weather topic...
5th Sep 2024
Primary Six got their heartbeats racing and their steps up as they took part in their...
4th Sep 2024
It has been a busy to start the year for P6CM. Today the girls spent time completing...
3rd Sep 2024
The girls were busy completing their Star Maths assessments using our Chromebooks...
2nd Sep 2024
The girls had a lovely morning settling back into school life. We spent time discussing...