Outdoor Learning in Primary Two with Wheatfield Primary School
Finally the sun shone on our Shared Education Project and we managed to get outside to play with our friends from Wheatfield!
We had lots of fun playing at different outdoor activities; the water tray, mark making, construction, climbing and the very popular ice cream parlour to name a few.
Have a look at our photographs!
A very special thank you to all those parents who have been donating to our outdoor area. We are still working to collect resources for different areas and would particularly welcome any donations of old cooking equipment (old pots, pans, wooden spoons, baking trays or muffin tins etc.) to help us to get our 'Mud Kitchen' up and running. If in doubt whether an item is suitable just contact Ms Lagan in Primary 2.
Many thanks again for your continued support! We are lucky to have parents like you!
Holy Cross Girls' School, Ardoyne Road, Belfast, County Antrim BT14 7HZ
Phone: 028 9039 1771 | info@holycrossgirls.belfast.ni.sch.uk