Using STEM in Primary 6
Primary Six are currently learning about life in Viking times. As part of their study they are carrying out a scientific investigation to determine how a factor such as acidity in soil affects the germination of seeds. The girls planted two sets of cress seeds. One sample will be given water daily and the other sample will be given vinegar daily. They ensured that their test was a fair one, by using the same amounts of tissue paper, seeds and liquids as well as deciding that both samples should be exposed to the same amount of daylight. At the outset of the investigation the girls made a number of predictions about whether or not the cress seeds could withstand the acidity of the vinegar. In due course we will find out whether or not their predictions were accurate!
Holy Cross Girls' School, Ardoyne Road, Belfast, County Antrim BT14 7HZ
Phone: 028 9039 1771 |