Week 2 Cooking with Families
This was the second week of the Food Values course for parents and families of Primary One. After looking at a set of really rotten teeth, we found out how much sugar was actually in some of the treats children and adults enjoy. The girls counted out the sugar cubes for Claire as she told us how much sugar was in a packet of Fruit Pastilles, a family pack of Malteasers, a small tin of Red Bull and a tin of Coke. We got a few surprises! Following that the children tasted the delicious cottage pie made by the mums and grannies. Next Friday is the last session. Hope to see many of you there.
Holy Cross Girls' School, Ardoyne Road, Belfast, County Antrim BT14 7HZ
Phone: 028 9039 1771 | info@holycrossgirls.belfast.ni.sch.uk