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- Attendance
Children need to attend school regularly and on time if they are to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them. Holy Cross Girls' P.S. encourages good attendance and strives to make sure children feel feel valued and secure in school.
The Principal, Mrs McNally, has overall responsibility for school attendance and this is supported by the Board of Governors who review attendance figures at regular board meetings.
All children should be in school to begin work promptly at 9.15 am. For health and safety reasons children arriving at school after 9.15 am must sign in at the office. This information is closely monitored by Mrs McNally. Parents will be contacted when their child's absence is causing concern.
The Education Welfare Service will become involved if:
- there is no improvement in a child's attendance and punctuality
- any child's attendance falls below 85%
If you have any concerns regarding your child's attendance or punctuality do not hesitate to contact the class teacher or Mrs McNally.
Rewarding Good Attendance
- A class weekly attendance chart is completed each Monday during The school assembly. At the end of each term a prize is awarded to all the children in the class which has the best overall attendance that term.
- At the end of each term every child who has not missed a day during the term receives a prize.
- A special prize is awarded to any child with full attendance.
The Role of Parents/Carers
It is your duty to ensure that your child attends school every day and arrives on time, in a condition fit to learn and participate fully in school life.
If you notice your child is reluctant to attend school please bring this to the attention of the class teacher or principal to ensure that support is given.
Children who become unwell at school will be given a quiet area to sit. If they continue to be unwell the parent will be contacted. It is vitally important that the school has at least 2 up-date-date contact numbers.
If your child is absent from school you should:
- contact the school office on the first day of absence by 9.30 am.
- supply a note explaining the reason for the absence to the class teacher when the child returns to school.
An absence slip will be sent home if your child does not bring in a note. Please complete and return to your child's teacher.
Holidays during Term Time
Family holidays taken during term time will not be authorised unless they are due to exceptional circumstances. The form requesting such a holiday should be completed and given to the Principal prior to the commencement of the holiday. Homework/ extra work will not be set for any child taking holidays during term time. Family Holidays taken during tern time will be categorised as an unauthorised absence and will affect the percentage attendance of the child.
Appointments during the School Day
Wherever possible routine medical appointments for pupils should be made out of school time. If a pupil has an appointment the parent should call into the school office and sign the pupil out. A satff member will collect the pupil from her classroom. On return to school, the pupil must be signed back into the school and they will return to class. No child will be allowed to leave the school premises unless accompanied by a responsible adult.
School Attendance Matters
Holy Cross Girls' School, Ardoyne Road, Belfast, County Antrim BT14 7HZ
Phone: 028 9039 1771 | info@holycrossgirls.belfast.ni.sch.uk